successful projects - more than meetings budgets and schedules
Expanding our existing infrastructure is essential to better serve residents and support continued development across the state. Our team designs improvements for aging water and sanitary sewer lines in residential neighborhoods and manages the construction of heavy civil water transmission pipelines.

Terry Bison Ranch Water Supply Pipeline, Segment 1
Cost: $36.8 Million
Owner: City of Greeley
Services Provided: Construction Management
Description: Installation of the first 7 miles of 36" waterline that will connect to a recently acquired aquifer in Carr, Colorado. Initial construction includes pipeline installation, turnouts, vaults, and cathodic protection. Ditesco's role includes establishing a quality assurance plan, risk management, and extensive project documentation. Our team is providing oversight during construction including daily on-site inspections.

Safe Water Action Program
Cost: $8 Million
Owner: City of Fort Collins
Services Provided: Program Management, Construction Management, Project Management, Civil Engineering
Description: Investigation and replacement of aged domestic water service lines that may contain galvanized steel and lead goosenecks. Ditesco's role included plan development, utility investigation, design drawing development, communications support, construction management, contractor oversight, and resident engineering services.

Historic Waterlines
Phase 1: $920 Thousand, Phase 2: $1.96 Million
Owner: Town of Firestone
Services Provided: Civil Engineering, Construction Management
Description: Replacement of over 21,000 LF of waterline in the Town of Firestone's historic downtown. Existing waterlines are asbestos-cement pipes between three to four inches in diameter. Ditesco's role included managing the design of over four miles of replacements. Our team provided engineering services during construction including contract administration, weekly site inspections and observation reports, and submittal and RFI reviews.
partner with us
Ditesco is always looking for more opportunities to improve the communities where we work, play, and raise our families.